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Divine Feminine

I have always questioned. Some may think me irreverent, my father certainly thought so. So be it. Consistently throughout my life God has been presented as male. Consistently throughout my life this has troubled me. I have always felt a divine presence in my life from early on, that was feminine. This clashed terribly with the image of a stern, hellfire spitting old man in white robes with a flowing white beard, sitting upon a throne often holding a scepter. I always found it disconcerting and disturbing. It wasn't until I was in my forties that I found like minded people, who also felt a divine feminine. I took a few classes, read a few books and had more than a few discussions.

Today, more than ever with the patriarchy still alive and well; with violence and hatred spreading; with the uncertainty of our world, I feel the divine feminine.

While fiction, I just read Sue Monk Kidd's new book, "The Book Of Longings." Oh! How I wish I had that book to read fifty or so years ago! It spoke to me in such deep ways. It humanized a religion that to me had been inhuman, unequal and cruel. I highly recommend it. I am also adding a few other recommendations at the end of today's post.

The following is from Trista Hendron, and The God Girl. I highly recommend her site on FB also. I am always delighted and informed when she writes and shares.

Other books that may interest those who also feel the divine feminine. May she help us heal, personally, collectively and Mother Earth.

The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth by Monica Sjoo

The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future by Riane Eisler

When God Was a Woman by Merlin Stone

I would be very interested to hear your thoughts on the subject of the divine feminine, or feedback on any of the books I have mentioned here today. I realize the Eisler's and Sjoo's books are dated...but the still speak.

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