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My Book, They Persisted

After a very steep learning curve and a not entirely pleasant experience with my publisher, I have cut all ties with them. Big thanks to all those near and dear who have supported me during this adventure.

I am painfully aware that there are typo's in the book - part of the reason I have a new publisher. The fault may lie with me, the editor, or the publisher, but at this point it is moot, the book is published (2017). I beg your forgiveness and ask that you read for content. My friend, a Navajo grannie and weaver, assures me that in every rug there is a deliberate error, and the purpose is to let spirit in. While the errors in the book are certainly not deliberate, please, let the spirit of these wonderful women come through and hopefully inspire you. Please also forgive the fallible human conduits who published the book.

They Persisted is a brief look at the lives of 21 women who were born in the 1800’s and are relatively obscure in history. They are a mix of race, class, culture and endeavors, but they all turned their fury at injustice into the sparks that fueled their passion and their work. These courageous, innovative, bold and unstoppable women paved the way and fortified us for the challenges we still face.

What people are saying about the book:

They Persisted by Margaret Kirk is a powerful testament to the unconquerable spirit of the feminine. She shares the trail-blazing stories of pioneering women weaving a vivid tapestry of inspiration, daring and determination. This book is a touchstone to our powerful roots reminding us of the courage and bravery of the wild women that came before us. - C. Ara Campbell, The Goddess Circle

Today we stand on the shoulders of the women in THEY PERSISTED. And they are strong shoulders indeed! These exciting vignettes are rich in detail and avid in passion…glorious mix of race, class, culture, and endeavors…These women dared to turn their fury at injustice into the sparks that fueled a lifetime of work. These women bolster our confidence. Grab them by the hand and take their stories with you—for you too must persist. Shelley Vermilya, Ed.D.

They are an eclectic group…and Kirk brings their bravery and audacity to life honoring their rebellions and the strength they displayed in the face of efforts to keep them in their place…Our sheroes fought for social justice, protecting women and children, for those who needed help and for a better life for all. I truly enjoyed discovering 21 new role models, thanks to Kirk’s engaging style.Their stories will tantalize you to learn more. Kathryn Quina, Ph.D., Emerita Professor of Gender & Women’s Studies and Psychology, University of Rhode Island

Margaret Kirk's They Persisted is a well-timed shot of energy and inspiration. These courageous, innovative, bold and unstoppable women paved the way and fortified us for the challenges we still face. Each story will lift your spirits and remind you just how much a woman with a "made up mind" can accomplish. -- A'Lelia Bundles, journalist and Madam C. J. Walker biographer

They Persisted, is still available at Amazon, used, from other sellers. I also have new copies that I am selling directly for $12, and that includes shipping and handling. Please get in touch with me if you would like a book.

I am thrilled to say that I have a new editor and publisher and am hard at work on the next book, They Roared, which is about women from the same era (born in the 1800's) who were journalists, muck rakers, and other wild and wonderful women. Stay tuned!

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