A Forced Reset
This is an unusual post, but these are unusual times. A forced reset? was written by a woman named Kizzen Lakai.
I share it with you because it feels like one of the sanest and most heartfelt pieces I have read lately. Stay safe, take precautions, don't panic, be kind. Remember, stress and fear will weaken your immune system. I send love out to each of you.
I hope you find the same peace in the meditation that follows Kizzen's words, with Bobby Klein as I did. Maybe consider this hourly meditation.
Blessings, and be well.
"A forced reset? I see Covid-19 spread and feel the dangerous planetary disruption. But I also see a hidden gift that may change the way we live life in a post Covid world. Many will suffer and even die and I don't diminish this (I am at higher risk as are most of my friends and some of my family). I read a younger friend's post, and also talked with my daughter who is now working from home. Her children's
school has closed. They are spending time at home doing family things together and enjoying this quality time. Getting their garden prepped for planting. Many employers are discovering that their staff CAN work from home---at least part time. We may see a shift here in how we work in the future. Many of China's people are seeing blue skies and improved air quality. They will want to keep those blue skies. People in Italy are singing to each other from their balconies. The love and connection in a time of disconnect touches the heart. The reduction of air travel and commuting is reducing vast amounts of carbon from going into the air. So is a slow down in industry. We are learning about just how much stuff we actually do need. What is important. Who is important to us. This is not to lessen the huge economic and personal impacts this will have on everyone except millionaires. Our small businesses, elderly, poor, those with compromised immune systems are at great risk. So are most wage workers. We are looking at a big economic recession. And as usual the poor take the brunt of any disaster. But I am seeing something underneath here--I hope. That we will reevaluate our relationships to each other, our communities, our work and families. That we will care for each other (yes, share our hoarded toilet paper) rather than go all Mad Max, be aware of where our food comes from, where products come from--do we really need that stuff that is burning carbon coming all the way from China? We have watched climate change explode, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes and drought. We see natural lands laid waste for our endless consumerism. We have long said "things have got to change!". Nature has a way. We have long been warned about a pandemic. It could be so much worse than it will be. Our children are being spared. Out of this will come a reset. A good one I hope. Not of fear, but of value of things that really matter. I hope we learn from this and make positive change. We will soon see what doesn't work. Maybe we will be greatly motivated to replace it with something that does. Maybe we will all fall in love with blue skies. Wash your hands. Don't touch your face. Stay home if you're sick. Help those you can."